Mental Health & Wellbeing Report

“No school can work well for children if parents and teachers do not act in partnership on behalf of the children’s best interests” – Dorothy H Cohen
Dear Parents and Carers,
This is my final article for Term 2. I hope you have found them informative, and you have been able to use some of the information to support your child both at home and at school.
This week I want to talk about the importance of children having breakfast and coming to school with sufficient snacks and lunch. Healthy eating is essential to a child's wellbeing, and it is up to us as parents and educators to work together to encourage healthy eating.
We have all heard the term ‘hangry’. When I miss my ‘brain food’ for breakfast or if I skip lunch I become irritable and my brain becomes foggy. Once I eat something nourishing, these feelings subside and I am ready to work and learn again. This is the same for our children, and perhaps even you!
Tips for Families to Help Children Eat Healthy
- Eat breakfast every day. Skipping breakfast can leave your child hungry, tired, and looking for less healthy foods later in the day.
- Plan healthy meals and eat together as a family. Eating together at mealtimes helps children learn to enjoy a variety of foods. This is also the perfect opportunity to talk to your child about their day at school.
- Buy and serve more fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen, or canned). Let your child choose them at the supermarket.
- Buy fewer soft drinks and high fat/high calorie snack foods like chips, cookies, and candy. These snacks are OK occasionally but keep healthy snack foods on hand too and offer them to your child more often.
- Offer your child water or low-fat milk more often than fruit juice. Fruit juice is a healthy choice but is high in calories.
- Do not get discouraged if your child will not eat a new food the first time it is served. Some kids will need to have a new food served to them 10 times or more before they will eat it.
- Try not to use food as a reward when encouraging kids to eat. Promising dessert to a child for eating vegetables, for example, sends the message that vegetables are less valuable than dessert.
- Make healthy choices easy by putting nutritious foods where they are easy to see and keep high-calorie foods out of sight.
If you are struggling for time in the morning, Breakfast Club is open every morning from 8.10am to 8.35am. Children are served nutritious cereals and toast, and occasionally we offer baked beans and spaghetti on toast. There is also a supply of fresh fruit to ensure our students are ready to learn. Sometimes students come to school without lunch. Whilst we do have sandwiches and other food on hand, it is your responsibility to ensure your child brings food and snacks to school each day. Please contact Miss Aira Agarano or me if you are finding it challenging to supply enough snacks and food. We are more than happy to help and support you.
Have an enjoyable two week break with your children and I will see you again in Term 3.
Kind Regards,
Vanessa Moore
Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator (MHWC)