Message from Gemma

Principal - St Stephen's Catholic Primary School

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you all had a lovely break full of relaxation and warmth. Our weather has certainly begun to present the winter vibes. 



Next week we will begin Inside / outside play  to ensure our children have a choice to go in and out each play time. We will be offering quiet reading / drawing spaces in the Library and lego club also. We hope this change supports student voice, decision making and safety. 


This week we have focused our Getting Ready to Learn time on learning more about National NAIDOC Week.  We hope all of our First Nation families celebrated this wonderful time, we know many went into the city to walk, be together and to GET UP, STAND UP and SHOW UP. I feel privileged to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples alongside you all. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. 


CLOSURE DAY REPORT - 11th July 2022

We had a very productive day on Monday 11th July, we thank you all for supporting this day for all staff. We focused on learning strategies for Mathematics ensuring we enable and extend children in their mathematical knowledge and understandings. After this we focused our learning on Writers notebook and engaging children in writing. We observed and reflected on 3 strategies - Shared writing, Interactive writing and modeled writing to support target groups and continued student improvement. 


August 18th - GALA NIGHT 

We will host our Art show and specialist Gala in St Gabriel's hall. We would love and encourage all families from both schools to attend. Children will be presenting the different ways of learning and we will auction off the Artwork each hub has been busy working on. The children will be working on different aspects of the night for the next few weeks. We will also be farewelling Clare Ryan as she begins her journey in Cathloic Education as St Luke’s Principal. 


School Advisory Council  Meeting 

Next meet 22nd August 



The next assembly will be showcasing our Prep - Two learners

 - St Stephen’s 2nd August in our EWP room