
A Prayer for You and Your Child Celebrating First Eucharist


After Jesus nourishes us in the Eucharist, we are asked to go out to be “bread for the world.” Eucharist calls us to help feed those around us who are hungry. Some people are hungry for food, others are hungry for love, or care, or friendship.

Pray the following prayer together with your child.


PARENT: Some people in our world are hungry for food. They don’t have enough to eat.

CHILD: Open our hands, God. Help us to share what we have with others.

PARENT: Some people in our world are hungry for care. They are sad or lonely. They need comfort and support.

CHILD: Open our eyes, God. Help us to see the needs of those around us.

PARENT: Some people in our world are hungry for friendship. They are excluded because others think they are “different” in some way.

CHILD: Open our hearts, God. Help us to share your love with others.


Together, make a commitment to bring the love of Jesus to someone in need.Someone we know who is in need of help is...This person is hungry for (food, love, care, friendship, prayers)...We will help bring Jesus’ love and care to this person by...