Principal's Report

Mr Prasad

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to student learning throughout this term. This newsletter is dedicated to showcasing the learning that our students have completed with your support and the thoughtful planning from our staff.


2021 Annual Report

The 2021 Annual Report is now available for the school community to access from our school’s website. This includes reflecting upon the school’s performance and recognising the positive impact of implemented school improvement measures upon student learning outcomes.


Parent Portal and Semester One Reports

Our newsletter, Semester One student reports and attendance data can be accessed by parents and students from the ‘Sentral Parent Portal’. Parents can also communicate through the parent portal about their child’s absence from school.


Parent Teacher Conferences

As we head into the final week of Term 2, our teachers are looking forward to collaborating with parents/carers during our ‘Parent Teacher Conferences’ for Years 7 to 11 students in the school hall between 3.15 to 6.15 pm on Wednesday, the 29th of June. Thank you to those families who have booked in conference times on the booking sheet provided to your child. Make sure that you book a time with your child’s classroom teacher.



The support and collaboration among our school community this term has led to the success of numerous school events such as the Work Ready Day, Cross-Country Carnival, Zone Swimming Carnival, Synergy Dance Festival at Penrith Panthers and the Women in Sports Roadshow. 


"On behalf of Merrylands High School, thank you for your valued contributions and support in Term Two towards student learning". - Mr Prasad