Support Services

If you feel like you could do with the support of a professional, help is always available.
- MyPlace - Cardinia - 1800 496 884
- Youth Counselling and Support Service - Casey - 9792 7279
- Coronavirus Health Information Line · 1800 020 080 · Call if you are seeking information on coronavirus (COVID-19). The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- LifeLine - 13 11 14 - Provides counselling, information and referrals for people experiencing a personal crisis. Click here for the link.
- Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636 - Provides advice and support for people experiencing depression and anxiety. Click here for the link
- Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467 - Provides free counselling for anyone (15 years+) who is suicidal or affected by suicide.
- Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 - Provides free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling services specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. Click here for the link.
- E-HeadSpace - Provides free online or telephone support with a clinician via an online chat. This service is available for 12–25-year-olds, Click here for the link.
- Reachout - Click here for the link.