Important Notices

Holiday Camp Programs from the Department of Education & Training
Free Influenza (flu) & vaccinations
The Victorian Government are providing free influenza (flu) vaccinations to all Victorians aged 6 months and over until 30th June 2022, to boost vaccination coverage, to help keep Victorians well over winter.
With case numbers rising quickly, families are encouraged to get vaccinated against the flu to help stay well and avoid hospitalisation during the colder months.
More than 3,000 GP clinics and pharmacies across the state have been invited to offer the free flu vaccinations. Along with getting a flu vaccination, keeping up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations will also help your family to stay well this winter. Most people can have their flu vaccination and COVID-19 vaccination at the same time.
Contact your GP or community pharmacy to ask about receiving a free flu vaccination.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is located on-site (behind the gymnasium) and is open on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm - 4pm and Saturdays from 9am until 12:30pm during school terms.
The Uniform Shop will be closed during the school holidays, but will re-open on Saturday, 9th July (from 9am until 12:30pm).
We ask that you ensure that your child is in full school uniform each day and if this is not the case, please send a note advising when they will be in full school uniform.
We remind parents that:
- Shoes must be black, polishable, lace-up school shoes.
- Hoodies are not permitted at school at any time.
- Tracksuit pants are not a part of the uniform.
- The green polo shirt is part of the PE uniform and not for general use.
We appreciate your assistance with this matter.