Principal's Message

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Another successful term at Pakenham Secondary College! There have been so many opportunities for our students to access through the term from what has been happening in the classroom, to co-curricular activities such as camps, excursions, incursions, clubs and sport. We say ‘well done’ to our students for embracing these wonderful opportunities at Pakenham Secondary College!
Semester One Assessment and Reporting
The end of Term 2 has seen all of our students face a very busy period whereby assessments have been finalised moving into the Semester One Reports. Our Year 10, 11 and 12 students have also been busy completing subject exams which has been a new experience for many.
The end of Semester One allows students to read through their subject reports with their families to reflect on their learning. The mid year break is an excellent opportunity for students to review their learning goals from Semester One as they move into their Semester Two studies. To review the learning in this way allows students to understand what may have worked for them across their subjects in terms of their learning approach, and develop some further steps to get the most out of their learning in Semester Two. For example, the Semester One reports for some students may reveal the need to review their prioritising and time management skills, ability to ask more questions of their teachers and to study more at home leading up to key assessments. We strongly encourage our students to read over their Semester One Reports very carefully so that they can reset and further review their learning approach for the second half of the year. The Semester One Reports have now been released to families via Compass today, Friday 24 June, 2022.
Child Safety Standards
We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to Child Safety and Wellbeing. The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safety Standards to further strengthen Child Safety across organisations, including schools. The new Standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting Child Safety and Wellbeing. The new Standards start in Victoria on July 1, 2022.
We have reviewed and updated our Child Safety Policies to ensure they meet the requirements of the new Standards, and these Policies have been accepted and endorsed by our College Council. If families would like to know more about this important work, please contact the General Office on 5945 1433. Our updated Child Safety Policies are available to view on our new website, together with being available from our General Office.
Student Programs
As mentioned previously, Term Two has been a very busy term. More and more co-curricular activities are being provided to our students and this edition of the Newsletter captures student involvement in so many areas.
We thank families for working with us to provide these wonderful opportunities to our students. Furthermore, we thank staff for their efforts in making these opportunities available.
Please read on to learn more about student participation in the State School Spectacular, Year 7 Camp, Athletics Age Championship Award recipients, Chess Club Competition, Interschool Sport, Year 7 China Experience Day, Breakfast Club and other Clubs throughout the College and various excursions.
College Community News
Please read on in this Newsletter for information relating to:
- Covid 19 Vaccinations
- Influenza Vaccinations
- Holiday Camp Programs from the Department of Education and Training
NAIDOC Week, 3 to 10 July, 2022
At PSC, we are committed to recognising and acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We want to highlight the importance of NAIDOC Week (3 to 10 July, 2022) with our College Community. ‘NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities’ ( ; 18 June, 2022 ).
The theme for NAIDOC Week in 2022 is ‘Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up’. Whilst NAIDOC Week will be during the school holiday period, we plan to recognize NAIDOC Week with our College Community on our return in Term 3.
Please be reminded that we have an early dismissal for our students of 2.30pm today (Friday 24 June).
Please stay safe over the mid year break everyone. Covid 19 and Influenza remain a real concern in the community. Both Covid 19 and Influenza have had a significant impact on schools and the broader community throughout the term. Please seek medical advice in respect to getting yourself vaccinated against Covid 19 and Influenza in order to protect yourself, your family and friends, together with the broader community against these viruses.
In closing, I am incredibly grateful to be afforded the opportunity of being the Acting Principal of Pakenham Secondary College this term. Pakenham Secondary College is a great school. Our families are supportive, our students are polite and dedicated, and our staff are hardworking and caring in their approach. Pakenham Secondary College strives for Growth and Connection in its ability to further improve learning, wellbeing and pathways outcomes for our students. It is clear that Pakenham Secondary College is incredibly important to its local community and I wish families, students and staff connected to this great school all the very best for the future.
Thank you and regards,
Aaron Smith
Acting Principal, Pakenham Secondary College