Media Arts


In the Prep classes, we have continued using media as a lens to examine our emotions. Each week, students are investigating a specific emotion. They are learning what they look, sound and feel like. 


After a successful introductory lesson focusing on "Happy", students have explored sadness and anger. Central to these lessons have been students understanding that all emotions they experience are normal and part of our daily lives. By accepting we feel these emotions and recognising what can make us feel this way, we can develop strategies to manage them if they start to become overwhelming. 


By participating in discussions with their peers and seeing what their classmates look like when displaying certain emotions, they will develop their empathy skills. 

Cross-curricular connections have been made to art and music, through associations of colour with our emotions to using music and songs to express ourselves. 


Year One

In Year One, students have been exploring audio recording and sound. In Week Four, students practised reading aloud into a recording device and saving it to their schoolbox e-portfolio. 

In Week Five, classes explored adding sound effects to enhance a story. Using the mentor text "Diary of a Wombat", students added to the story by recording sounds related to what they were reading on the page by using the objects around their classroom. This included rain, digging, eating carrots and sleeping. 


Year Two and Three

The Year Two and Three students are continuing to develop their understanding of basic shot types for photography. These include long, medium, close-up shots, high and low-angle shots, etc. 


These skills will be put to use later in the year and the cohorts use still-image photography for advertisements and narratives respectively. 


Below is a sample of some of the fantastic shots students have been creating. 



Year Four

Year Four students have made wonderful progress in their knowledge and application of shot types, adding in camera movements such as panning, tracking, tilting, dolly shots and high/low-angle shots. 


Over the coming weeks, students will plan, film and edit a montage of "A Day in the Life of a Saltwater Student". Students will collaborate in groups to create a shot list and then film their ideas utilising the skills they used earlier in the term.