Year Five News

Hello families,



In our current Unit of Inquiry, over the past few weeks students have been exploring the different reasons people migrate. This week, students have been investigating famous Australian migrants and their story. The students have been been using their research and ICT skills to create posters of their migrants. You will be able to check out some of these posters in our school office!



In writing the Year Five students have been creating memoirs using an important event in their life. We have been linking memoirs to our unit of inquiry 'Where we are in Place and Time', by having students write a memoir as if they were a famous migrant that came to Australia. 



In Mathematics we commenced fluid groupings for Location and Transformation or Time. Each group is targeted to individual learning needs for their maths topic. For example, students focusing on location and transformation may be looking at what left and right is, through to using cartesian planes to plot coordinates. 




In this unit of inquiry, reading has been primarily focused on an author's message and text connections. The students have been reading texts relating to migration and unpacking what the author is trying to tell us as well as how the students can relate to the migration story.




School Notices

In order to promote reading in our school community, Saltwater College is having our Book Day on Wednesday the 31st of August. On this day, your child is invited to come to school dressed as a favourite character from any book. During our Book Day, classes will participate in a parade, where they will display their costumes to the school. 



Please also be advised that the chocolate drive has begun. The drive will end on August 28th so if you see any children selling chocolate, please purchase one for only $1. Proceeds will be raised to go towards the school.



We also have our upcoming camp. We look forward to a fantastic experience at Cave Hill Creek!