Year Four News 

Written by the Year Four Team

Hi families,


In writing the Year Four students have been studying persuasive writing using theme ideas to build up body paragraphs. We have been linking writing to our unit of inquiry,  'Sharing the Planet', as we investigate the distribution of finite resources. Each student selected a topic they are passionate about to persuade their audience about their opinion or belief. 

In Mathematics we commenced fluid groups for decimals. Each group is targeted to individual learning needs starting from understanding what a decimal is through to multiplying and dividing decimals to the powers of ten. The Year Fours have loved exploring a new concept as this is the first time many have been exposed to decimals.


This term, reading has been primarily focused on research and note-taking. This is a crucial ability since it allows students to reread their notes, which will enhance learning. The research has a clear connection to our unit of inquiry and has helped students build arguments for their persuasive writing.

As part of our drive to promote and engage our student’s interest in reading, Saltwater College is having our Book Day on Wednesday the 31st of August.

On this special day, your child is invited to come to school dressed as a favourite character from any book. During our Book Day, classes will participate in a parade, where they will showcase their costumes to the rest of our school. 

Please be advised that the chocolate drive has begun. If you see any children selling chocolate, please purchase one for only $1. Proceeds will be raised to go towards the school.