Prep News 

Learning in Prep


The Prep students are enthusiastically inquiring into the Central Idea, ‘Stories may engage their audience and communicate meaning’. This Unit of Inquiry has been supported by the Drama lessons that students have begun participating in with Mr Jay as the Performing Arts class for this term. Students have linked their understandings of the Central Idea throughout Reading, Writing and Mathematics.



In Reading, students are consolidating their understanding of the different parts of a story and are exploring discussing their perspective of a range of characters, settings, problems and solutions within stories. Students have had the opportunity to list characters' inside and outside traits and create puppets to role-play and summarise their knowledge of stories explored. The Prep students have also been partaking in an author study of Julia Donaldson. Through this author study, students have been exploring how authors can engage their audience in different ways through beginning stories with interesting leads, use of adjectives, and rhyming words. Students are beginning to get excited about Book day, which will be taking place on August 31st. They have been beginning to plan with their teacher what book they will choose for their text innovation and are planning to decorate their classroom doors with their favourite book displays. Celebrating Book Week and Book Day is a big celebration at Saltwater College. Get excited with your child/ren and discuss your favourite texts to read at home! 


The Prep students shared their love for reading at the Scholastic book fair this week where they were able to look at the books on sale and create a wish list of books they would like to purchase. They have also been exploring different fairy tales and how stories can change, making text-to-text connections by comparing different stories.


In Writing, the Preps are applying their understandings from Reading to create their own narratives. Students have been working through the writing process as they create their narratives, the process includes brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, editing, conferencing, publishing and illustrating. As they progress through the writing process, students can move their names or photo to show which phase they are working on. To begin the writing process, students have been creating a story mountain to show what will happen in their stories at the beginning, middle and end of their narrative before they begin writing a draft. This has really supported students having great knowledge, understanding and agency of their story writing. It has been great to see such confidence and empowerment amongst our youngest learners of the school! 

Whilst writing, the Prep students have been encouraged to use interesting leads and adjectives to engage readers. It has been amazing to read the creative narratives and see students challenging themselves to achieve their personal best!



In Mathematics, students have been exploring the concept of subtraction by listening to different mentor texts, unpacking the strategies and language that will support them. They have shown courage to use different strategies such as counting back, drawing pictures, using hands-on materials, number lines and ten frames. They have also been inquiring into the concept of time by learning about the features of an analogue clock and how we can order events. Students have begun taking part in fluid groups across the Prep cohort to support their learning in subtraction. According to the students' subtraction goals, the groups have been created across the year level. Each group will be working with one of the Prep teachers on learning targeted to their specific goals. This is a great opportunity for our Prep students to meet some of the other Prep teachers and students.




  • The Werribee Zoo excursion note and payment is due to be returned by Monday 22nd August. We are all very excited for this amazing opportunity and learning experience.
  • Saltwater College is having our Book Day celebration on Wednesday 31st August. On this day your child is invited to come to school dressed as a favourite character from any book. We would love to see them bring a copy of the book to share with their class.
  • Students are to continue fundraising for the chocolate drive by selling their Cadbury chocolate boxes. All money raised will go towards our 2023 School Fete.
  • Please return the ICT User Agreement form to your child/ren's classroom teacher if you have not yet.