Student Services : Careers

It was fantastic to chat to so many students and parents at our Expo event last week. As students move through secondary schooling the challenge of transition and choice can be daunting. We are here to support you through the process if required, and I encourage students to book early if they need to have a chat before finalising their plans.
University open day and information events
Last week I placed a summary document on Teams for Year 10, 11 and 12 students who might wish to attend some upcoming University Open Day or Information events. We encourage students to start exploring tertiary study options from Year 10.
To make the most of these events, students should create a list of questions they might want to find out more about. Understanding course options, prerequisites and ATAR requirements are obvious starting points, but also try to find out more about:
- Course structure and capacity to fit in extra majors/double degrees
- Assessment styles/approaches
- Graduate outcomes
- Student support infrastructure
- Flexibility of study modes
- Capacity to accelerate progression
And finally – ‘the vibe’!! Students who contact me about changing universities often find it is the culture or the ‘vibe’ of a university which does not suit them. Think about the campus set up and speak to current students about campus life. If you are interested in a particular university, find time to visit them on a day which is not an Open Day… all universities feel great on Open Day!
Melbourne Career Expo coming up
The 2022 Melbourne Career Expo is coming up at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 15-17 July.
The Expo is a terrific opportunity to access information about careers, employment opportunities, tertiary study, applying for jobs, seminars, resume checking and all things careers.
Students and parents can download FREE ENTRY tickets heading to
Reminder of the weekly career news bulletins
With so much happening at the moment it’s impossible to include all updates in the NHS Newsletter. The weekly Career News is published on Compass. Go to Compass>Community>School Documentation>Careers and Pathways>Careers News Weekly
Booking a careers appointment
Use this QR code to go direct to Calendly and book in an appointment to talk to Booma about course selection or future pathways.