Chaplain's Corner

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen" - Winston Churchill


I love the movement and flow of the seasons and am thankful for all of them. In particular we are enjoying winter at the moment with it’s slowness, coldness, fresh winds and short days of sunlight. Whilst I like all the seasons; there is something enlivening about going for a walk in freezing cold winds. The fresh air is magical whilst at the same time many things have their season of rest or hibernation.


We find ourselves in the second half of the school year with Term 3 having begun. School sports, productions and many other things fill our extra-curricular time. Secondary students also begin subject selection for 2024.


In Chapel we began the term by looking at the parable of the Good Samaritan and reflecting on our school value of kindness in the way we reach out and help those in need around us. This comes from following the old testament law to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, strength and soul and to love your neighbour as yourself”.


The second week in Chapel focused on prayer. After exploring some of our understandings about prayer, we looked at the Lord’s Prayer as taught by Jesus to his disciples from the gospel of Matthew 6:9-13. You might asks your child if they know what ‘Amen’ means at the end of prayer?

Parent Morning Tea 

Morning Tea for parents is held from 8:30am - 9:15am in the CPA foyer on a monthly basis.


Please come along and meet with other parents or talk with staff from our Wellbeing and Chaplaincy departments.


Remaining dates for 2023: 16 August, 13 September, 18 October and 15 November.

Grief and Loss Service

Upcoming Community Event – 17 August

The community Video Games night will be a ‘Mario Kart Competition’ which we invite you to join us at.


Please register as a competitor or as an observer.


Worshipping Faith Community




Rev. Gavin Blakemore
