Parent Reminders 

Book Week 

This year, Children's Book Week® will be held from Saturday, 19 August – Friday, 25 August (Week 7). This year's theme is 'Read, grow, inspire'. To celebrate our love of reading and books, we will be celebrating with a dress up day on Tuesday 22nd August. More details will follow.



Garden Working Bee

Student Consent & Permission - Update on Compass

Just a reminder, we are updating our records of student consent and permission onto Compass Portal from our previous hard copy consent form. This includes consent for headlice check, photo usage, local excursion and chaplaincy program. These forms have previously been completed when your child(ren) enrolled. As we are aware things can change over time, so we want to ensure we have the most up to date records when making this update. We ask all parents/carers could complete the consent form through Compass Insights Cycle.