Student Learning

Foundation students have been learning about Australian coins. They traced over them and put them in order of least to most value.
Foundation students have also been learning about halves. During this lesson students made fairy bread and cut it in half.
Year 1/2
Writing: The students completed their beautifully written information reports. They celebrated by presenting them to the class and the senior students in the school. There was plenty of smiles as we started our new unit on procedure text. The students rolled up their sleeves and made their own fairy bread using the procedure text they wrote.
Reading: In collaboration with our writing topic, the students have begun reading and learning about procedure text. They enjoyed placing the text into the correct format.
Maths: The students made grids to show their understanding of multiplication. Lani was also set a challenge of finding fractions from objects around the room. Lani completed some excellent work!
Sport: In anticipation of our much-loved sports day, the students have really enjoyed learning the correct techniques in shot put, discus and vortex.
Year 3/4
The 3/4s took some time to research Billabong Ranch, the destination of their camp this week! Students were very excited to be attending camp and look forward to sharing their experiences when they return.
Year 5/6
Students in 1/2 B and 5/6 N have been working hard on producing their information reports. They then had the opportunity to share their reports and practise public speaking.
NAIDOC Excursion - The event kicked off with a Welcome to Country and an explanation of the traditional ceremony. Elders spoke to us about their experiences growing up in Cobram. The students then participated in traditional craft and in activities promoting healthy living. Well done to all students on their excellent