TAS Faculty

Year 10 Food Technology

As part of the Year 10 Food Technology course, students were tasked to create a healthy and warm salad bowl and were allowed to plate the salad creatively. They also made a Mille-Feuille, a delicious French dessert. In  Australia, a Mille-Feuille is known as a Vanilla slice. See the photos below of the wonderful creations made by our students.

Year 7 Woodwork

Year 7 Technology Mandatory students have been learning about wood and woodworking techniques. They worked very hard to make spice racks as their woodwork project. It was a very exciting time when the students were able to take their work home. These spice racks were not only very useful but many students made them into a fantastic gift for Fathers Day. Congratulations Year 7 on all your hard work.