Deputy Principal Reports

A message from Ms Doyle

We begin this edition of the Evans High School newsletter by recognising the importance of attendance. We firmly believe that regular attendance is the cornerstone of a successful educational journey. Over the past term, we have seen an improvement in our students' attendance rates. We now have over 50% of students whose attendance is above 90%. We want to thank both our students and parents for their commitment to ensuring that students are present and engaged in the learning process. Creating a positive atmosphere, where students feel they belong is very important to us and we want to thank those parents who phone their kids after they have left for work themselves, who set alarms, and who encourage bag packing and uniform readiness the night before. If your child continues to demonstrate regular lateness to school, lunch times will be held with the principal to discuss this issue and identify solutions to improve attendance.   


Student Performance in Examinations 

These past few weeks, students have worked to prepare for examinations. I am very proud of how well so many of our students have prepared and performed. The hard work, dedication, and resilience demonstrated by our students have seen some exceptional growth in students results. Across all year levels, our students have exhibited progress and have achieved results that reflect their commitment to academic improvement. We would like to acknowledge the incredible support provided by our dedicated teachers, who have been instrumental in guiding and inspiring our students to achieve their best. Year 12 and HSC 1 will have several study days available to them as we prepare for HSC examinations.  


Term 4 - Compressed Curriculum 

We would like to remind our school community that our academic year starts in Term 4, Week 6.  This means HSC 1 students will be undertaking their HSC examinations during weeks 1-4, they will return for Spirit Week in Week 5, and begin their HSC 2 studies in Term 4 Week 6.  All year groups roll over to the new curriculum in week 6 which allows us to meet the correct number of curriculum hours. Parents will also need to ensure that students have equipment for the new academic year - equipment lists will be sent home early Term 4.  


We are immensely proud of the accomplishments of our students and grateful for the commitment of our school community. Together, we will continue to strive towards thriving as Respectful, Motivated and Trustworthy students.  


A message from Mrs Jones

Term 3 saw HSC major projects submitted for marking in subjects from the CAPA, TAS and HSIE faculties. It also saw Year 12 and HSC1 students complete their Trial Examinations which is their final assessment for school. Term 3 is officially the final school term for our Year 12 students. Congratulations! To celebrate,  we will be releasing a very special 'Class of 2023' newsletter edition in Term 4.


The school holiday period will allow students to use feedback from their exams to prepare for the HSC examinations which begin on Wednesday, October 11. To prepare, students are encouraged to consider the following tips:


Make a study routine:

  • Develop a study routine that fits your lifestyle and allows time for relaxation and other interests. 
  • Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and engage in physical activities you enjoy. Put this into your study timetable too.
  • Use tools like calendars and to-do lists to organise your study sessions and other commitments efficiently.
  • Organise your study space so you can get to your notes quickly and easily.

Actively study:

  • Take advantage of the resources provided by the school, such as textbooks, study guides, and teacher support. 
  • If you don't understand something, don't hesitate to ask questions – your teachers are there to help.
  • Group study sessions can also be helpful, as they allow you to learn from each other and share different perspectives.
  • Try out active learning techniques to keep things engaging. Summarise your notes, and teach a friend what you’ve learned. Use visual aids like flashcards and mind maps to make studying fun.

Set Small Milestones: 

  • Break down your study goals into smaller, manageable tasks. 
  • Try the Pomodoro Technique.
  • Celebrate your achievements along the way. 


Stay Positive: 

  • Maintain a positive mindset and believe in your abilities. 
  • Self-confidence can play a significant role in your success, so don't underestimate the power of a positive attitude.

Remember that the HSC is a significant step in your academic journey, but it's not the only step. Embrace this time with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. With dedication, self-belief, and the right balance in your life, you can successfully prepare for your HSC examinations and take one step closer to your future goals.


Best of luck on your HSC journey!



A message from Ms Mee Lin Liau - IEC 


As the season changes from winter into bright sunny spring, enrolments continue to flourish at Evans Intensive English Centre (IEC). There are 276 students currently enrolled from thirty-two different countries and 61 suburbs across Western Sydney.


During the winter holidays, the Principal, Ms Pretlove successfully negotiated with the NSW Department of Education, for an additional six demountable classrooms. Six classes began their lessons in brand new pristine classrooms on Tuesday 12 September 2023, a significant milestone for the IEC.


Amidst the busyness of Term 3, the Department of International Students requested Evans High School host a study tour from China. The visitors had a unique experience at the school learning about the sustainability and reptile program, led by Ms Newsome, having photography lessons with Ms Freeman and attending a Haka Warrior rehearsal with Ms Liku.


A new learning initiative began this term with the film-making program. Eddie Arya was an ex-IEC student 22 years ago and he is a professional movie-producer, who is enthusiastic about reaching out to newly arrived students. His expertise in filmmaking created an elevated level of interest and engagement with students who learnt creativity via filming, teamwork, co-ordination, and co-operation through assigned roles such as lighting, sound, camera crew and assistant directors! Tribute to Ms Kim who organises the students weekly.


The Royal Botanical Gardens gardening project involving an exceptional group of students, targeting environmental education and hands-on learning experience, has picked up and maintained strong momentum in our English program. Our Foundation English teacher, Ms Santarossa, assisted by School Learning Support Officers, has done an amazing job with enthusing students and teaching English terminology.


We are one of twenty schools sending a total of 850 students to the Haka Warrior competition on 1st September 2023. Amato Latu, an IEC student with huge gaps in schooling, captivated the audience and the SBS reporter when he spoke eloquently from the heart, in an impromptu interview.


To finish off the term, we will run the popular and much-vied-for IEC Vocabulary Competition in Week 10. Teams of students across the IEC must form the longest word possible from ten drawn vowels and consonants. The laudable efforts of teams and individuals would melt any hardened hearts, that learning could be fun, engrossing, and purposeful with noise and participation.