Library News

Book Week 2023

This year our library hosted some notable events to celebrate Book Week 2023. To hammer home this year’s theme, ‘Learn, Grown, Inspire’, we invited prolific, home-grown author, Amal Awad, to speak to our Year 7-10 students about her experiences growing up in an ethnic household in Sydney. She talked about how her experiences shaped her career as an author and aimed to empower the students by illustrating the opportunities that open up for people who can read and write well. 


The students were so engaged with the presentations that she gave. Miss Awad donated some of her books to our school library and they were instantly borrowed by a keen and inspired Year 8 students.

IEC Students Rewarded

Nine students from the Intensive English Centre were gifted with Macquarie dictionaries after reading at least twenty books over the course of two terms this year. The students came to the library to celebrate their achievements with Mr Tawdrous, the teacher-librarian and Miss Mengelsons, their IEC teacher. 


We’d like to congratulate these students on their inspiring efforts to expand their literacy skills. The staff here at the library were very proud to acknowledge their efforts during Book Week 2023.


New Resources

We have added new resources to our fiction collection. Come and visit the library to see our new volumes of popular Manga titles and new picture books.


We have also updated our library with new titles dedicated to showcasing awesome and unique characters. These titles, written by esteemed author Kathy Hoopmann, aim to bring to light the triumphs and challenges experienced by people who have conditions such as anxiety, dyspraxia and ASD.


You will also find new and interesting non-fiction titles about modern technology. There is a three-book series on artificial intelligence and its applications in a range of industries. Become familiar with one of the most rapidly evolving fields of technology and explore how this tech will impact humankind in the future. 


There are also another three titles from the ‘Cool Careers in Science’ book series added to our collection. For anyone looking at working in any one of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) fields, this series is for you!