Principal's Report

Capital Works Update

As you can see from the photo, we are very happy with the new building and loving having access to the beautiful new classrooms and playgrounds. Watch out for the next newsletter where we will have lots of photos to share. 


Car Park

We have lots of positive feedback regarding our new car park and it is so nice to see families having a safe place to park and drop off children. It has been a long time coming but worth the wait! Can I just ask that if you are waiting for a car park space can you please move out of the driveway as this blocks the way for our buses in the morning.



NAIDOC celebrates the survival of Indigenous culture and the Indigenous contribution to modern Australia. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week we celebrated was the first week back at school and it was a great opportunity for our students to participate in a range of activities and to support our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. I hope you enjoy our photos.


Reports and IEPs

Most classes should now have received their updated Individual Education Plans and curriculum reports will be released next week. 



We are delighted to be having our term 3 SSG’s again and look forward to seeing you all onsite if you have not been in already. A time to reflect on the last semester and work together on what semester 2 looks like. I enjoy being a part of some of these essential meetings. 


Morning Tea with the Principal and Assistant Principal

Sandra and I look forward to a new opportunity for parents/carers in term 3 to give families the informal chance to sit down and have a chat and a cuppa. Watch out for the date!


Please do not hesitate if you have any questions or concerns. 


Stay safe and be kind to each other.

