Principal's Report

Course Selection for 2024


Dear Students, Parents, and Carers,


I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who attended the two information evenings held recently at our college. Your active participation and interest in your child's education and future were truly commendable. The valuable insights provided by our key staff during these events were clear and precise, guiding our students towards the most appropriate pathways for their journey in Years 10 and 11 in 2024.


The impressive turnout of families at both events was a testament to your dedication to your child's academic and career development. Your involvement and support play a crucial role in shaping their success, and we are fortunate to have such an engaged community.


As we move forward, the next step in the process is the formal course counselling sessions, commencing next week. During these one-to-one sessions, our dedicated staff will work closely with students and families to ensure that the best possible options are selected to maximise future opportunities. We are eager to see our students during these meetings and finalise their course selections for the upcoming academic year.


For those parents and carers who may be unable to attend the counselling sessions, rest assured that your child will bring home their preference list. This will provide you with an opportunity to discuss the choices together and provide your approval.


At our college, we passionately believe in the power of collaboration between educators, students, and families. Together, we can create a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters academic growth and personal development. Thank you once again for being an integral part of our college community.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff. We are here to support you and your child on this exciting journey ahead.



High Expectations


I want to share my observations and experiences from the past ten weeks, during which I had the privilege of visiting classrooms and witnessing the teaching and learning at our college.


It brings me great joy to see the dedication and hard work our teachers put into creating a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum in every Learning Area. The effort they have invested in designing a consistent and well-structured curriculum is evident in the classrooms I visited. Regardless of the subject or year level, I was pleased to see the same high-quality learning experiences being delivered to our students.


This achievement is a testament to the collective commitment of our staff to ensure that every student receives an equitable education, where the content and learning opportunities are consistent across all classes. Such a cohesive approach to curriculum development fosters an environment of fairness and gives each student the chance to thrive academically.


By implementing a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, we are setting our students up for success not only in their current studies but also in their future endeavours. This alignment of content and learning experiences will undoubtedly enhance their overall academic growth and preparedness.


I would like to extend my appreciation to our outstanding team of educators for their hard work and dedication. It is their passion for teaching and commitment to our students' education that has made this achievement possible. Their efforts are shaping the minds of our future leaders, innovators, and contributors to society.


As we move forward, I have no doubt that our college will continue to be a place of excellence in education. Together, we will empower our students to reach their full potential and make a positive impact in the world.


Thank you for being an essential part of our college community, and I look forward to celebrating further successes together.



The Importance of Full Time Attendance


I want to emphasise the critical importance of full-time attendance for our students to achieve success in their education. As a reminder, schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged from 6 to 17 years, unless an exemption from attendance or enrolment has been granted.


Regular school attendance is a fundamental aspect of ensuring that our children and young people do not fall behind socially and developmentally. It is crucial for their educational progress and overall well-being. Students who attend school daily and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have been shown to have better health outcomes, improved employment prospects, and higher incomes throughout their lives. It is essential to instil habits of regular attendance from an early age, as it sets the foundation for a successful academic journey.


By participating actively in school, children and young people gain valuable skills, knowledge, and values that prepare them for further learning and active engagement within their community. The support networks and educational opportunities provided by schools maximise life opportunities for our students, enabling them to thrive in various aspects of their lives.


I would like to draw your attention to the long-term impact of absences on your child's education. A student who is absent for just one day every fortnight will miss four full weeks of learning by the end of the year. If this pattern continues, by the time they reach Year 10, they will have missed more than a year of education. Each day of absence puts them at a disadvantage academically and socially. They miss vital soft skills and interactions that are crucial for their overall well-being and future success.


While we understand that occasional absences may be necessary due to certain circumstances, we kindly request that you follow the college's Attendance Policy and provide relevant documentation to support your child's absence. This helps us keep track of their progress and ensures they receive the necessary support to catch up on missed learning opportunities.


We are committed to providing a nurturing and conducive learning environment for all students, and your cooperation in promoting regular attendance is invaluable. Together, we can empower our children to reach their full potential and set them on the path to a successful and fulfilling future.


Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education.



Curriculum Day 24/08/23 (Student Free Day)


Thursday the 24th is dedicated to our focus on improving the Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. This means ensuring that all Learning Areas have well-developed and meaningful teaching and learning documents at each year level.


The day is intended to empower teachers and staff with the necessary tools and strategies to enhance the educational experience for students. By working closely with the staff, the Teaching and Learning Team aims to create a positive impact on the quality of education provided to students in the future.


Professional learning and development days like this are essential for educators to stay up to date with the latest teaching methodologies, share best practices, and refine their skills. By investing in the growth and improvement of the staff, the school is investing in the success and well-being of its students.


Overall, this is a commendable approach to fostering continuous improvement in education and ensuring that all students receive the best possible learning experiences. Such focused efforts will undoubtedly contribute to a more enriched and effective educational environment.


Aylin Gökmen

Acting College Principal