Engagement & Wellbeing

Wellbeing Curriculum Day

The focus on Friday was all around wellbeing and staff participated in a range of activities and sessions to further build our capacity in this area. Fostering teaching and learning practices that support and promote student mental health and wellbeing helps to benefit all students to thrive.


It was a great opportunity for our teachers to deepen their understanding of our School-Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB) teaching practices to ensure we are promoting positive behaviours and social-emotional wellbeing. Teachers also underwent professional development in the Open Parachute program, which will be integrated in our weekly Respectful Relationships sessions to help give students skills to support their mental health. Staff also gained further knowledge on using the student check-in resource. This is a screening tool teachers can use to efficiently identify students who may be at risk of social, emotional, and academic behaviours which interfere with their learning.


Another key component of Friday was completing necessary Department of Education learning modules, including anaphylaxis and asthma training, as well as the staff survey. 

School Volunteers 

Working With Children’s Check (WWCC) Reminder

Please remember that to volunteer in classrooms, attend excursions or camps all parents and carers require a valid Working with Children Check on file at school. 


WWCC are valid for 5 years and are free for volunteers to apply for.  You can apply, renew and check your existing status by visiting https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/


We regularly encourage volunteers in classrooms and on excursions. Even if it is not something you have previously considered, it can be useful to have, and we encourage you to apply. 


Once your card arrives, bring it to the school office where the staff will take a copy and add you to our WWCC register.  


Volunteer Child Safe Reminder: