Key Dates & Events



You are welcome to access the OLA Calendar on our website or here.

Week 5 
Monday 7 Aug7-8.30pm - S & T Architects Meeting re Master Plan
Tuesday 8 AugFeast of St Mary MacKillop
 2.30pm - Mary MacKillop Prayer Service
Wed 9 Aug9am-9.45am - Classroom Helper Workshop
 6.30pm - 7pm - OLA Performing Arts Night
Thurs 10 Aug7-8.15pm - Starting School 2024: How your family can thrive
Friday 11 Aug2.30-3.30pm - Whole School Assembly
Week 6 
Tuesday 15 AugFeast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
 9-10am - Feast of the Assumption Prayer Service
Wed 16 Aug12-1pm - Bishop Visit to Confirmation Candidates
Thurs 17 Aug9-10am - PFL Class Prayer Service
Friday 18 AugNewsletter Day
 Wakakirri Performance Day (Frankston Arts Centre)
 2pm - Wakakirri Stage Rehearsal 
 7.15-9pm - Wakakirri Performance (Frankston Arts Centre)
Week 7 
Monday 21 AugBOOK WEEK
 7.30-8.30pm - OSAC Meeting
Tuesday 22 AugDistrict Athletics
 Felice Arena Book Week Incursion
Thursday 24 Aug9-10am - PCH Prayer Service
 5-6pm - Sacrament of Confirmation
 7-8pm - Sacrament of Confirmation
Friday 25 Aug2.30-3.30pm - Whole School Assembly
Week 8 
Monday 28 Aug7.30-9.00pm - P&F Meeting
Thursday 31 AugSW Parent Support Group Meetings
Friday 1 Sept7.30-8.45am OLA P&F Fathers Day Breakfast
 8.15-9.00am Classooms open for for special visitors 
 OLA P&F Fathers Day Stall
 Newsletter Day
Week 9 
Monday 4 SeptOLA is hosting GATEWAYS onsite
 7.15pm Wakakirri State Finals - OLA here we come!!
Wednesday 6 Sept SW Parent Support Group Meetings
 6.30 Official Opening of OLA Art Show
 6.30-8.00 OLA Art Show
Thursday 7 Sept SW Parent Support Group Meetings
 8.30-10.00am Art Show open
 3.00-4.30pm Art Show open
Friday 8 Sept2.30 Whole School Assembly
Week 10 
Monday 11 SeptIntervention Parent Support Group Meetings
 7.00pm OSAC Meeting
Tuesday 12 SeptiSea iCare Excursion
Wednesday 13 SeptIntervention Parent Support Group Meetings
Thursday 14 SeptR U OK Day
Friday 15 SeptLast day of Term 3 - 3.15pm finish
 Sports Colours Day - please wear your favourite sporting colours
 Newsletter Day

2023 Term Dates 

Term 3
Tuesday 11 July - Friday 15 September
Term 4

Tuesday 3 October - Thursday 14 December for Grade 6 students and 

                                        Friday 15 December for students Prep-Grade 5