School Calendar


Term 3 2023 



Friday 28th JulyGrandparent Day assembly Morning tea and open classrooms.
 Curriculum overview to parents
Friday 4th August Year 5 Reconciliation

2:30pm Stage 3 Assembly

3.15 - 3.30pm Uniform shop open

Monday 7th AugustPupil free day
Tuesday 8th August9.15am Mary MacKillop's feast day mass
Wednesday 9th AugustAshfield Olympic Park public speaking final
Friday 11th August2:30pm Stage 2 Assembly
Tuesday 15th August9:15 Feast of the Assumption Mass
Wednesday 16th  August4W - Reconciliation
Thursday 17th AugustYr 5/6 - Write a book in a day
Friday 18th AugustYr 5/6 - Write a book in a day 
 3G - Reconciliation
 100 Day of Kindergarten & Assembly
Sunday 20th August10am  Ursula and McMahon Family Mass
Monday 21st AugustBook Week Character Parade
Wednesday 23rd AugustYr 6 - Confirmation reflection half day
Friday 25th AugustYr 6 - Reconciliation
 Sacrament of Confirmation
 Stage 1 Assembly
Friday 1st SeptemberFathers Day celebrations
Friday 8th SeptemberYr 3W Reconciliation
 Yr 5 - Leadership Day
Friday 14th SeptemberSchool Concert - Dress Rehearsal
Friday 15th September7pm School concert - St Vincent College Ashfield
Thursday 21st SeptemberTerm 3 ends for students 
Friday 22nd SeptemberPupil free day