Parents Advisory Group

Last week we had the privilege of sitting down with Mrs Carlo-Stella and Mrs Hannigan at the first SFX Parent Advisory Group Meeting. It was wonderful to be able to brainstorm and give feedback on various issues currently on the school agenda. 


One of the topics covered was in regard to the house on Forbes St next to the primary campus that was purchased by Sydney Catholic Schools some time ago. It was wonderful to hear that the plans have now been approved and work can commence once a builder has been appointed so that our students can make use of what will become a Creative Arts hub.


Another point of interest is that the school would like to make an outdoor learning space on the primary side, specifically in the area where the students congregate inside the gates for the afternoon up. Currently, this area is very uninspiring so the plan is to totally transform the entire space so it could be used as a learning space, a prayer/reflection space, as well as installing some seating and passive play equipment. The school would also like to showcase students' artwork along the fence which would look amazing. The Parent Advisory Group will brainstorm some ideas for this exciting project so please contact us if you have any ideas to put forward.


Another issue spoken about at our meeting was our new before and after school providers SCECS. So far both Mrs Carlo-Stella and Mrs Hannigan have been impressed with the level of professionalism and enthusiasm displayed by the new carers. They welcome any feedback from families who are currently using this service.


Another issue that was discussed was the administering of Panadol and Nurofen to students. The school would like to send out a form at the beginning of each school year for parents to consent yes or no to the school being allowed to give your child Panadol or Nurofen. At the moment if you wish for your child to be given Panadol or Nurofen you have to send an email every time giving permission this new form will be more efficient for parents and staff. Once this form has been completed, parents would ALWAYS still be verbally consulted before any medication was given, but parents would no longer have to send an email as well. 


We would like to thank Mrs Carlo-Stella for the opportunity to be the voice of the SFX community as we all work together to make our school a place that all students can thrive.


Attached are the minutes of the meeting.


Vanessa Quaratiello

for Parent Advisory Group