Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti 


Dear Parents,


Welcome back to Term 3! 


We are looking forward to engaging once again in many wellbeing activities and focuses across the school this term. 


SFX Character Strengths

At our school, character strengths are incorporated into our Physical Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabus. These 24 character strengths are positive aspects of our personality and impact how we think, feel and behave. Character strengths are a tool for teaching positive education, and they will be recognised this term across the school with our Character Strength Merit Awards. 

This term, 4 students from each class will be acknowledged for using a character strength in their school day or over multiple school days. These awards will be announced during our Stage assemblies on various Fridays throughout the term.


In Week 5, the students in Years K-6 will be focusing on the character strength of Perseverance as a whole school focus. This term, each grade will focus on specific character strengths during their PDHPE lessons. Please see an outline of each grade focus below:

Mindfulness at Home

Below is an activity that you may wish to use with your child/children to focus on mindfulness. This can be done with all family members and is very useful for developing individual wellbeing as well as improving our connection with others.

Wellbeing Events Term 3

14th-18th August (Week 5)     Whole School Character Strength - Perseverance

Thursday 14th September      R U OK Day 


We look forward to continuing our work on mindfulness and positive education this term.


Nick Criniti
