Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)

Dear Parents,


Welcome Back to Term 3.


I hope your holidays were filled with many cherished memories. It is great to see our students returning to school, brimming with enthusiasm and excited to share their wonderful holiday stories with us.


In Term 3, along with other teachers, I am doing learning walks to each class. These learning walks give us an opportunity to observe and experience the incredible learning that our students and teachers are creating.


This week I had the pleasure of listening to our young musicians as they play a piece of music on their flutes. 

As we all know, learning a musical instrument requires consistent effort and practice. I cannot stress enough how crucial it is for our students to set aside time each day to practice their musical skills. Even just 15 minutes of daily practice can make a remarkable difference in their proficiency and confidence.

Practising regularly not only improves technical abilities but also instils discipline and perseverance. 


The 2023 NAPLAN results were sent home yesterday. This year the results of NAPLAN are reported differently. There are four proficiency levels. 

  • Exceeding: the student’s result exceeds expectations at the time of testing. 
  • Strong: the student’s result meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.
  • Developing: the student’s result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.
  • Needs additional support: the student’s result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.

Our results are exceptional with over 90% of our students receiving either exceeding or strong in year three and year five. This is testament to the work our teachers do every day to ensure that the students are receiving the best possible learning experience.


The 7th of August is a pupil-free day. On this day the staff will be working with teachers from other schools to investigate and work on the new English syllabus that comes into effect in 2024. We look forward to collaborating with the different schools.




Tomorrow I look forward to welcoming and showing gratitude to many grandparents. A thank you to our kindergarten and year 1 parents for organising and providing the morning tea. 




Last week we had our first Parent Advisory Group meeting. Thank you to Mrs Ana Gangi, Mrs Vanessa Quaratiello, Mrs Vanessa Tama and Mrs Rosa Zullo for being part of this group. 


I look forward to another exciting term.


Kind Regards,


Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)