Pupil of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:

Friday 28th July

Alexander F (Foundation) - For showing focus and following instructions in the classroom. You are a respectful and caring towards your classmates, well done you are a great role model.

Maximus E(12A) - For the great way you have settled into Marlborough Primary School. With so much to learn and do you have displayed resilience and determination. Great effort. Keep it up!!!

Ryan R (12B) - For having a great attitude in class and doing well in his phonics/reading. You're on your way to be a decoding and encoding champion.

Lachlan A(34A) -  For the all the AMAZING writing you have done so far this year and the expression and fluency you use when you read! 

Liam (34B)  - For being so willing to share his knowledge with the class. Liam is often able to provide us with more information as we read our shared texts. Keep up the great work!  

Maria K (34C) - For always putting effort into her work. Even when given extra challenging tasks, Maria always does her personal best and pushes herself to improve. Great job, Maria.

Danika E (56B)  -  For putting 100% effort into her work. Danika has been demonstrating a wonderful attitude to learning and confidence in sharing her ideas. Well done, Danika.  


Friday 4th August

Teancum T (Foundation) - For always showing respect in our classroom and following classroom routines. Well done on using attentive listening and speaking kindly to your peers. Keep up the great work, Teancum.

Emily H (12A) - For fantastic work during our Literacy lessons. You have taken huge strides with your decoding and encoding. Keep up the excellent work. Well Done!!!!

Reuben V (12B) - For being so enthusiastic in mathematics. Absolutely love how you want to share your ideas and participate in class discussions. Keep it up! 

Oscar B (34A) -  For his positive attitude towards everything he attempts and the kindness and care he displays towards his peers!

Cooper R (34B)  - for being so inquisitive on our excursion to Healesville Sanctuary. It was great to see Cooper engaging with the wildlife as we moved around the sanctuary. I loved seeing your interest in the animal skeletons Cooper.

Jacob W (34C) - For being a superstar! Jacob is an extremely hard worker, treats everyone with respect and kindness, and is also a fabulous entertainer. We are very lucky to have you in 34C Jacob!

Brandon P (56A)  -  For the effort Brandon has been putting into Literacy and Numeracy. Brandon has been giving 100%. He demonstrates the traits of a dedicated and focused learner and this attitude is evident in the quality of work he is producing. Well done Brandon! 

Zara C (56A)  -  For choosing challenges and overcoming obstacles.  Zara's attitude to learning has been excellent and her commitment shows in her results.  Zara has, for the past 6 months, been taking massive strides in Literacy and Numeracy. Well done Zara, we are so proud of you.