Principal's Report

with Simone Roy

School Mobile Phone Policy update

The school’s mobile phone policy has recently been updated to bring it into line with the Department’s expectations. While Mount Beauty Secondary College has had a mobile phone policy for many years, the Department introduced a ban on mobile phones only a few years ago, where students are not to use their phones, or carry them on their person during school hours. The ban is to help reduce online bullying, filming/photographing without the permission of others, and with all the research showing the addictive power of social media, reduce the amount of time young people are on a screen.

The updated policy is in Compass and on the school website and outlines the processes for students who use their phones during school hours. Phones will be confiscated from students, stored safely for the remainder of the day and then returned after school finishes. Students who continue to use their phones will have to hand them in for a set period of time.

Parking on ski days

It was great to see that drop offs were much smoother today for our second ski day. Please remember to pull into the student parking area for drop off/collection to ensure the flow of traffic, including school busses can continue on Tailrace Road around these busy times.

Senior school expo

This Wednesday, students in Years 10 and 11 will be able to visit the senior school expo in periods 5 and 6. This expo will have a range of subject displays and staff available to be able to ask questions about specific subjects. Designed to help students with their subject selection for next year; students will receive the subject handbook on the day and will need to book a meeting time with Jo Macklan to start these discussions.


The expo will be open until 4pm for any parents who wish to see the displays or talk to staff. The senior school parent information session will be held that night, from 7pm in Room 9. Targeted for new senior school families for students in Year 10, families in Year 11 and 12 are also welcome to attend.