What's Happening in Lower Division?

Miss Georgia Brown and Miss Kirrily Hahn

English and Mathematics  

Lower Division have been engaged and enjoyed units adapted by the new K-2 Syllabus during Term 1 and 2. The units will be continued into Term 3, with the main focuses on characters, context and imagery through texts such as Three, The Gruffalo, Hey Little Ant andmany more.  

LD have worked hard during Mathematics in Term 2 exploring position, building their capacity with number place value, learning new games and collecting data. We will continue to explore the K-2 Mathematics Syllabus during Term 3. In addition to the units LD will be focusing on their subitising, place value and number sense through daily number sense activities.  

Ms Hahn will teach unit 15 of Maths which focusses on fractions, mostly doubles and halves.



The History unit for Term 3 is Personal and Family Histories in particular different families and celebrations. LD will investigate the different structures of families today, families in the past and families from different places. We will investigate how they, their family and friends commemorate past events that are important to them. They will consider the significance of dates and why they are important.  



In Term 3, LD will focus on the key question “How can we include others and build respectful relationships?” LD will develop an understanding of values and attitudes to build and maintain inclusive, caring and respectful relationships. In PE students will continue to develop their fundamental movements skills through inclusion games. 



Ms Hahn will continue Science with LD in Term 3 focusing on Physical World Push and Pull forces. We will explore the way objects move and relate changes in motion to push and pull forces. They will also investigate how toys can be pushed or pulled.









LD have published some items of their work using different platforms. LD worked really hard to create and publish their All Through the Year books, which look fantastic. We can’t wait to show you all the techniques we learn this term.  


Visual Art  

We have had a busy Term 2 with Paula Jenkins visiting again. This term we will look into artists from around the world and adapt their artworks to make them our own.  



Music will continue with Jess in Term 3, however will be on Thursday afternoon after lunch.  We are learning two Australian choral songs, in preparation for BushFest, a choral festival for schools in the NECOM classroom/choral program on Wednesday 6 September at the New England Conservatorium of Music. We will also continue learning about music through a variety of singing games including 'Grizzly Bear' and 'Spinning Top'.


Topic Talks-  

Thank you for all of LD for participating in topic talks last term. It was fantastic to see PowerPoints, toys and props. LD will do topic talks again this term in Week 5 and Week 9.  

Week 5- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?    

Week 9- If you could have a superpower, what would it be?  



Thank you for your continued support with readers and homework. It will be similar to last term, however there could be a few formatting changes throughout the term.  

We look forward to another great term and sharing our learning journey with you. If you have any questions and queries please contact the school.  


Georgia Brown

Classroom Teacher