From the Principal's Desk

NAPLAN Results Home Today

Students in Years 3 and 5 will bring home their NAPLAN results today in a sealed envelope. Please note that NAPLAN results are published differently this year. A detailed note is contained inside your envelope. I have also published this information below. As always, please contact us at the school if you would like further information or to discuss any aspect of your child's report.

100 Days of School

Next Thursday our kindergarten students will have been at school for 100 days.  To mark this occasion, we are inviting all students, K-6 and staff, to dress 100 days older, 100 days smarter or 100 years old.

PSSA Zone Athletics on Friday

We wish Annabelle, Harrison, Anna, Phoebe, Naomi, Cailey, Mackenzie, Sam and Abby all the best as they compete at the PSSA Zone Athletics Carnival on Friday. Miss Miller will be there on the day but she will be rostered on to supervise various events.  Can parents please ensure they have arranged supervision and transport for their children. We would like to also thank Matt Peterson for coming to the school each Friday morning to help our students fine tune some of their skills in preparation for Friday.  Thanks Matt!

New Emergency Bell System

A new, digital emergency bell system has been installed at school as we are located in a category 2 bushfire zone. You may hear the bell ring at 9am and 3pm each day but we don't use it during the day (we still use the old bell). Students have been a part of evacuation drills over the last week and we will conduct lock downs this week as we fine tune our plans in case of an emergency.

Sydney Excursion Update

All students in Upper Division were provided with an update on the planned excursion to Sydney last week. Please ensure regular payments are up to date.  For the information for our students in Lower Division, Miss Brown will be accompanying the students on the Sydney excursion, so Miss Miller will take Lower Division for their lessons. We will plan some fun events for Lower Division during this time in November.

Let's Hang It!

All the best to Harrison C on Friday night at the UNE/NERAM Let's Hang It! exhibition. Harrison is a finalist in the photo section of the event.

NSW Premier's Spelling Bee Finals

The NSW Premier's Spelling Bee finals for our school will be held on Monday 14th August (week 5).  Our school winners for 2023 are Anna and Cailey.  The finals are held via Zoom at 10am (Stage 2) and 1pm (Stage 3).

An Evening with ACOS

A lot of work is taking place to finalise preparations for An Evening with ACOS.  Please see the link below with detailed information for students, staff and families.  A separate note will go home soon for those students not participating in the event, including students in Lower Division, to attend the dress rehearsal on Wednesday 9th August.  


2023 CBCA Shortlisted Books for our Library

Thank you to everyone who supports our school by purchasing from the Scholastic Book Club. We have recently purchased these new books using our rewards points. These lovely books are all included on the 2023 shortlist for the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) and will be available for students to borrow very soon.  If you would like to look at information about these books on the CBCA website, please click on the link below.
















Have a great fortnight!


Brad Hunt
