Greetings from Shaun

It has been another lovely week at Northcote Primary School. The learning happening in classrooms has really started to step up as students and teachers continue to work towards establishing routines and ways of working. I have been very fortunate this week to meet with all the year-level teams and then one-on-one with each of the teachers to talk about their grades and students and the learning taking place. I have been overwhelmed with the level of care and dedication that the teachers have towards their students. I have been blown away by just how much the teachers already know about their learners in these few short weeks.

We are looking forward to the meet the teacher sessions next Tuesday as an opportunity to discuss the students and how we can work together to support their learning for the year. If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to go in and register a time with your child’s classroom teacher. Just as a reminder, we ask that families arrange for their child/children to be picked up from school at 12 pm on Tuesday. 

We have had confirmation from the Department that due to the success of the RAT program at minimising COVID outbreaks that this will continue to the end of the term. I can confirm that thanks to the vigilance of the Northcote school community, that the testing is working and will continue to be an important strategy to minimise the disruption to learning. Thank-you for your continued support in this. 

We have also had inquiries at the office about the parent payment information, please keep an eye out for Compass on Monday.