Maths @ GEC
Mathematics at GEC – Welcome!
Welcome all to another exciting year at GEC and wishing you all a wonderful, happy, healthy and a safe year!
I am excited for an amazing teaching and learning journey along with the excited and energetic staff and the lively and curious students! It was so good to see the students back with full of energy and enthusiasm!
We, at GEC, believe students can be effective learners if their voices are heard or given opportunities to take their own responsibility for their learning.
While focusing on getting to know each other and understanding the classroom expectations during their first week at a secondary school, Year 7 students in 7E voiced their thoughts and expectations about an ideal Maths classroom.
They collaborated and worked in teams (6 teams of 4 to 5 students) to discuss their ideas on what an ideal Maths classroom will look like, sound like and feel like. Here are their collated responses that will be displayed in their classroom.
What thoughtful responses by them, the future leaders! I appreciate their growth mindset in saying ‘Nothing is Impossible’! This list will now be a checklist for the students and me as a teacher as well!
Looking forward to hearing more of their voices, discussions, Maths conversations, ideas, wonderings and findings from them in the class!
Have a great year everyone and stay safe!
Arivu Kumaran
Maths Learning Area Leader