Digital Learning

Hardev Singh: ICT Coordinator, Digi Tech & Media Arts Teacher.

Hillsmeade's BYOD Program

What’s changed in 2022

Learning should occur whenever and wherever a child is, and whatever way a child finds is of most value. With that in mind, students from Years 3 to 6 will be allowed to bring the following devices to school:

  • iPads
  • Windows Laptops
  • Apple Laptops
  • Chromebooks

Why is Hillsmeade Primary School supporting multiple devices?

The use of technology daily provides an opportunity to:

  • Improve student academic achievement using technology
    • Prepare students for tomorrow’s workplace
    • Enhance teaching to transform the quality of instruction.

Our move towards allowing tablets and laptops in the BYOD program is based on:

  • Flexibility – The school needs to cater for student needs depending on their year level, tasks and future learning requirements.  It is sensible for students in years 5 & 6 to pivot to laptops as they will use them in high schools—however, young students may need the portability of an iPad. 
  • Office365 – Access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office products.  Students will receive this software free of charge.
  • NAPLAN – From 2022, NAPLAN will be conducted online.  Students in Years 3 & 5 can use their own devices to complete this assessment. 
  • Online and remote learning – In these uncertain times, schools and parents need to prepare students to learn from home.  Having their device will assist this if the need arises

Embarking on a flexible approach to the school’s BYOD program has required the school to rethink the learning environment. In the past, the school has invested heavily in technology equipment, including Windows laptops, iPads, Smart Boards, TV’s, digital cameras, and a substantial wireless network. Each of these is a tool for learning and teaching and enables teachers to design and implement innovative and interactive curriculum into the classroom. Student owned devices allow learning anywhere – in any school, outdoor location, and home environment.


Through the use of devices such as iPads or laptops, students can access vast amounts of information and knowledge and truly take charge of their learning. These devices also provide a means of presenting work and assignments using multimedia elements such as photo, film, and audio.


Hillsmeade Primary School acknowledges that technology should be an integral part of every student’s education and seeks to offer progressive professional development for its teachers to ensure that the best teaching and learning occurs in the classroom. The BYOD program prepares our students to be lifelong learners and leave the school with the essential skills required in the rapidly changing future.


Participation in the Program

Participation in the BYOD program is optional. The school will continue to make devices available to students through shared devices in the classroom.

The following are critical elements of the Hillsmeade PS BYOD program:

  • Devices will need to be taken home every night.
  • It will be the student’s responsibility to ensure their device is fully charged at the beginning of every day.  Students won’t be allowed to bring their charging cables to school.
  • Students will be required to strictly observe the “Acceptable Use Policy” of the school. Failure to do so may result in their device being banned from school use for a period as outlined in the “Acceptable Use Policy”.
  • Devices should be protected using a bag, cover or screen protector.
  • Student owned devices will only be used during class time and not before or after school, anywhere on school grounds. 

Minimum Requirements for devices

Hillsmeade Primary School welcomes the use of existing devices in the classroom.  However, we insist on minimum requirements so that they are reliable and compatible with the websites and programs used in classrooms.  Here is the list of requirements:

iPadThe iPad Air, Air 2, Air 3, 6th Generation iPad or above is recommended with a keyboard.  Due to their size, the Air Pro and the iPad mini are not supported as part of the 1:1 program.
Windows LaptopAny Windows laptop with a solid-state drive (SSD) running Windows 10 or 11 and installed with appropriate virus protection.  Laptops running Windows 7 devices aren’t suitable.
Apple LaptopThe laptop must have OS X Catalina 10.15 or newer.
ChromebookChromebook devices will require 128Gb of hard disk space.  Note.  Microsoft Office, including Teams can’t be installed on this device.  This service must be accessed through a web browser such as Chrome.  Click here ( ) for further details.

If you require assistance with identifying whether a device is suitable, please email me at

Accessories and IT Support

  • Hillsmeade strongly suggests that students have a protective covering, case, or bag to transport and store devices at school. 
  • We also recommend that iPad or Android tablet come with a keyboard to assist students with typing and being productive. 
  • Parents will need to arrange an extended warranty or insurance for their child’s device.
  • Technical support will be limited to school-related access issues. All other technical support will need to be arranged externally by the parent.

Buying a new device

Some parents will consider buying a device for their child’s schooling.  There are so many factors to consider before making this purchase.  Choice magazine has a brilliant article that tackles some of the questions that parents might have.  

Here is the link to read their article.


Parents can access the CompNow/Hillsmeade Primary School Portal and select their preference. The portal also contains several optional extras which parents may wish to consider. Devices can also be purchased at any Officeworks, JB HIFI or Apple store, to name just a few outlets.


Student Responsibilities – BYOD Program

Besides following Hillsmeade Primary School’s Acceptable Use Agreement, students who wish to be included in the BYOD program must take responsibility for their devices in the following ways:



  • The device is owned by the parents/student but is made available for use as part of the school learning program
  • Parents/students should be aware that files stored on the device are private but may be publicly accessed as part of learning programs.

Software and access

  • The school will provide information about standard software programs and applications required for installation on personal devices and will advise if new software or applications need to be purchased
  • Parents are responsible for installing new programs on personal devices.
  • The school will provide access to some software and applications through Edu STAR. There is no cost for this access.

School support


Support will be provided for:

  • connecting the device to the school network, internet and other digital technologies
  • set up and manage Office365 and Compass accounts
  • all school-based software and associated issues with school applications

Support will not be provided for:

  • connecting to home networks, the internet, printers, or other devices
  • personal email accounts and settings
  • software issues
  • hardware issues

Damage or loss of equipment

  • Parents are responsible for making sure the device is covered under their insurance so that it can be replaced if lost or damaged and student learning is not interrupted
  • The school must be notified if the device is damaged or lost so that a student’s learning program is not interrupted whilst being replaced.

User responsibilities

Students are responsible for:

  • Bringing devices that are fully charged to school.  Students aren’t allowed to bring any charging cables to school.
  • Ensuring the device has appropriate virus protection
  • Backing up data securely
  • Always carrying their device in a proper protective cover, case or bag
  • Adhering to our Acceptable Use Agreement when using their device.


Enrolling on the 2022 BYOD Program

An online form is available for families to enrol on the BYOD Program. Students will need their Office365 username and password. 

If your child doesn’t know or have forgotten these details, please ask their class teacher or email


The school’s online form can be found here.


Click here for a helpful Q&A information sheet. 




Hardev Singh

ICT Coordinator 

Digi Tech & Media Arts Teacher