Principal's Message

Linda Buckeridge: Principal

As we move towards the middle of our first term in 2022, I would like to acknowledge the fabulous effort our students are making with their attitude to learning and their social approaches with their peers. What a calm place we have here at Hillsmeade and I am grateful to our students for their hard work and determination in making the most out of their time here at school.



We can't wait to see you all here together on Wednesday 2nd March 4pm - 6.30pm. We are able to run this event with COVID safe practices as we are hosting this outside. There is no need to QR code in. Please remember too that all students must be supervised by a parent/carer during this time, staff will not be supervising but rather enjoying the activities with you all!

4pm - 5.30 - Activities

5.30 - 6.30 - BYO family picnic

Meet you all on the synthetic oval on Wednesday!



Thank you to those who have volunteered for a position on our School Council for 2022. Elections are currently underway, don't forget to vote.





STUDENT TOILETS                                                    A friendly reminder to ask families to please talk with their children about the safe and appropriate use of school toilets. Unfortunately we have had quite a lot of damage and destruction to these during school hours. We will also be following this up through conversations and reminders in the classrooms and via assemblies.



The current COVID safe measures will be in place until the end of Term 1. This includes assemblies continuing to run remotely. As soon as we can, we will welcome our families back for indoor activities. Students in 3-6, and all adults in school buildings, are still required to wear masks please. Thank you to the families who have been reporting COVID cases to the school. We appreciate you keeping us informed.



I would like to apologise for the confusion around the opening of gates, especially at the end of the day. As a mostly new leadership team we were unaware of some of the operational matters at the school. Please keep me informed if there are other issues or concerns so that we can ensure a proactive approach in the future.



SCHOOL PHOTOS                                                    These will be held on March 25th! More information to follow, but please put the date in your calendars.




As mentioned last year, we have had many instances of our school being damaged and/or host to unruly behaviour after school hours and over weekends. Can I ask that you please talk to your children/young people about using our school grounds respectfully outside of school hours. We are looking into a taller and more sturdy fence to surround the school in order to keep our staff, students, families and buildings safe.



It is with great excitement that this week we opened the ninja warrior course for students to enjoy! Currently year 2 and 3 are able to challenge each other at recess, and years 4/5/6 at lunchtime. We encourage all students using this playground to be safe and respectful of others whilst engaging in the awesome fun that the course provides! A big thank you to the previous leadership team who ensured both the ninja course and the new playground were able to be built and provide our students with such wonderful opportunities for play.


Take care everyone and see you on the 2nd of March!