Getting to know you!



Role at Hillsmeade: PSD/Inclusion Co-Ordinator


How long have you been at Hillsmeade? 1 month


What do you love about Hillsmeade the most? Staff and students


Best Hillsmeade moment so far? Besides the lovely Prep’s comments and running after them all, the staff here have made me so welcome.


Where were you born? Melbourne


Do you have any brothers or sisters? 1 brother, 1 sister


Do you have any pets? Yes, a puppy called Coco


Which footy team do you follow? The mighty Hawks


Favourite ice cream flavour? Strawberry and Salted Caramel


Favourite thing to do? Spend time with family and friends laughing and having a good time


Do you know how to play a musical instrument? Ummmm, have you met me?  Lol, no but I wish I could.


Favourite song to sing along to? Too many to name!


If you could join any past or current band which, would it be? Bon Jovi


Favourite book? Too many to name!


Best holiday so far? Travelling through Europe and Hawaii


Where would you like to travel to that you haven’t been yet? New York


Favourite food? Curry and roasts


Favourite thing to cook? Pasta


Have you ever met someone famous? Not really


What is your proudest accomplishment? Definitely my kids


What makes you laugh the most? My son 


Favourite movie? Too many to name!


What did you want to be when you were a child? Primary Teacher


Favourite superhero? Batman


If you could travel back in time, where would you go? 1920’s


What is the best gift you have been given? Several things from my kids 


Favourite animal? Elephant


Favourite colour? Purple


Favourite actor? Morgan Freeman


Coffee or tea? Coffee


What was your favourite subject at school? Geography & History


Do you collect anything? No


What was your first job? Customer service in a bank


Can you speak another language? No


Which language would you like to learn? French