P.E and Sport


We have just completed our second week of Swimming Lessons for Prep-Year 4, with all students very excited to be back in the pool. It was also very exciting to FINALLY be able to welcome our parents back to watch. Just a reminder, if you’re planning on coming and watching, you are required to be double vaccinated and if you can assist with helping in the change rooms you will need to have a Working With Children Check (which needs to be registered with the office). 


St Joseph’s Swimming Program has been in place for many years and was based on the ‘Swim and Survive Program’ endorsed by Royal Lifesaving Society and many local swim centres. Over the years, Jenny Todd has adapted and modified the program and levels to assist in a targeted swimming and water safety program specifically designed for our school. When students begin at St Joseph’s they are assessed and a level is determined. Throughout the sessions the students work on the competencies for the level identified. Lesson plans are written for each swim teacher to assist in this development. At all times, we have Austswim-qualified swimming teachers, including or as well as a qualified primary school teacher. We are extremely fortunate this year to have the help of Annabel, Nat, Bill, Dee, Leonie and Sarah, who all volunteer their time to assist. THANK-YOU we wouldn't be able to run this incredible program without them.


The remaining dates for swimming are:


2.30pm- Monday, 21st, 28th February and 7th March

Year 1/2 

 1/2 C 11.30am Monday 21st, 28th February and 7th March

1/2FB 12.30pm Monday 21st, 28th February and 7th March

Year 3/4 – Every Wednesday commencing 9th February

3/4 SL 9.00am Wednesday 23rd February and 9th March 

3/4DL 10.00am Wednesday 23rd February and, 9th March






We have had a HUGE turn out to our Swim Squad 3-6 sessions. I have been extremely proud of our Year 6 students who have taken on a leadership role assisting the younger students. 

Swim Squad usually holds a Swim Squad Breakfast, if any parent can help organise this, could you please let me know. jhayes@sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au

The remaining sessions for Swim Squad are:

Monday 21st February 

Monday 28th February

Thank you to those parents who have paid, if you haven’t, could you please pay at the office. 



On Friday, we are looking forward to our Year 3-6 2022 Swimming Carnival. This will be at  YAWA Aquatic Centre for ALL Year 3-6 students.


The water activities on the day will include structured swimming carnival events, as well as novelty events with the emphasis of the day being participation and fun. Thank-you to all the parents who have offered to assist. A Konnective was sent home yesterday with a rundown of the day. 


We look forward to a fun day!


Over the year I would love to hear and share about your child's sporting successes. Please email me jhayes@sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au


Thank-you for your continued support

Jacqui Hayes (P.E Specialist and Sports Coordinator)