Reading & Writing

What we expect our students to learn in Reading: 

Students will be able to:

  • Continue to monitor accuracy and understanding and solve unfamiliar content specific words using a wide range of strategies. 
  • Be accountable for their reading goals and provide evidence of working towards achieving this goal during conferencing.
  • Read and identify the structure and language features of a variety of texts and understand how this relates to the purpose and audience.
  • Use questioning during reading to clarify and maintain meaning

What we expect the students to learn in Writing: 

Students will be able to: 

  • Collect thoughts, ideas, artefacts and ephemera and experiment with various writing styles in their writer’s notebooks.
  • Use a variety of strategies to identify writing intentions and rehearse/ plan for writing. 
  • See themselves as part of a community of writers who self evaluate their own writing and make decisions about possible changes based on feedback received from others.