
It’s been a busy term in all Stages of learning in Japanese. Here is a snapshot of what our students have been doing…


Firstly, in August, our Year 12 Japanese students completed the speaking component of their HSC Exam, through a 10 minute Skype interview with an external examiner. This leaves them time to prepare for the other three components - reading, listening and writing.


Year 11 students are currently preparing for their first 3 hour exam which is part of their Preliminary Exams this week. It is their first 3 hour exam and we wish them well in their study and their exam.


Years 8 and 9 students have participated in a variety of learning experiences this term, the most exciting being a week-long visit from Japanese students during weeks 4 and 5. Our visitors stayed with families from the College, participating in regular classes and introducing some of their culture to our students in a wonderful presentation. Year 9 were lucky enough to have them join their class for an “obento” lunch-box making challenge. A big thank you to all students who looked after our guests at school and especially to the families who hosted them throughout their stay.  


Over the last week, some Year 8 classes have tried miso soup and onigiri (rice balls) for the first time. The feedback was that the onigiri were delicious, but the miso soup was not a crowd pleaser! We hope that the students may be able to try more Japanese food during the next term.




Ms Genelle Keough | CALOTE KLA Leader