Visual Arts 

Year 7

Students are exploring Modern Art movements, with a focus on the colour and light of the Impressionists, and the structure and shapes of the Cubists. The students are engaged in a range of investigations about each art movement which also helps build a deeper understanding of the style and technique. Students are also engaged in the role of the critic in the art world provided feedback, via a gallery walk, to both receive and provide informed commentary.



Year 8

Year 8 have explored the inspirational Australian artists John Olsen and Emily Kame Kngwarreye. The students have created their artworks which have been inspired by each of these artists. Year 8 are now in the process of planning lino prints. This process requires students to carve out outlines of key features and also to cut out the background of the print in order to be able to hand colour the finished print.

Year 9

Students are currently exploring 2D, 3D and 4D artworks which are linked and are a part of the student's Body of Work. Students are also creating their own Website which is based on real-world artistic practice as another alternative to exhibiting works. The website explores not only their art making but the influencing factors such as artists, artworks and other links to social media.


Year 10

Visual Arts students are developing artworks informed by the understanding of Italian art movements of Futurism and Arte Povera. Students have investigated each examining the philosophy of the movements which then has helped inform their own art making within a contemporary context. Students have also engaged in researching areas of Italy and linking geographical, historical and creative arts information as a part of their learning experiences.


Year 12 

Students have successfully completed their major Body of Works with a variety of concepts explored. Identity, gender stereotypes, trauma and the influence of fairy tales on children to name a few. Students expressed their ideas through the mediums painting and printmaking. Contemporary female artists are currently being researched by students. The artists’ work in a range of mediums challenging traditions and ideologies about art.




Ms Genelle Keough | CALOTE KLA Leader