7A Science

On Wednesday 2 February, students from 7A were using collaborating to identify specific glassware and equipment they will be using in the coming weeks in the Science Lab.

7B and 7I Science

Students in 7B and 7I in their first lessons of Science, were able to identify lab equipment and predict their uses.


7B students


7I students

Year 9 Science

Students have been learning all about the brain. Last week we made brain hats to learn about the different parts of our brains and what function each part has.

VCE Biology

On Friday 4 February, Unit 3/4 students were modelling the complex concept of 'Transcription''.


The students were not sure what to expect when taken out to the courtyard and instructed to stick butchers paper on their heads and paper towel to their tails!


By role play, the action of becoming a MATURE mRNA molecule, the students were able to complete their investigation in the classroom. 


As you can see, some students kept in character for the whole session. It is great to have the kids back face to face. 

Year 12 Biology

Year 12 Biology students mapping out the idea of Dot point 2 - Transcription/Translation.