From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to our first Windang Wave newsletter for 2022. A warm welcome to all our existing families and a special welcome to all our new families. 


Great Start & Ready to Learn

It’s wonderful to see our students settled in the 7 classes. I congratulate the teaching and support staff for their hard work and a big thank you to parents and families for the manner in which our students are arriving each day. All our students are in full school uniform and ready for a full day of learning, exploring and having fun.


We pride ourselves in having high expectations for student behaviour, attendance and uniform. The school uniform helps all our students develop a sense of belonging to our school and community. 


Our SURF Values

Our school’s Positive Behaviour School program is underpinned by the school’s SURF values. These are:

  • Safe Always
  • United in Learning
  • Respectful and Cooperative
  • Fair in Work and Play. 

There are specific expectations associated with each value and are displayed in every classroom. These are ‘the basics’ of what is needed for our students to achieve their personal best. These expectations were developed in consultation with families and provide our school with a common language that is used by teachers and students. 


2022 Kindergarten

Last Friday, we welcomed our 2022 kindergarten students. This is one of the most special days of the year for families and teachers. There was lots of smiles and hugs as all our little ones made the transition to BIG SCHOOL supported by their Year 6 Buddies.


All the 2022 kindergarten students have now completed their Best Start Assessment and the results will provide Ms Papesch  and Miss Kemp an excellent analysis of each students current knowledge and skills associated with literacy and numeracy. 


Parents will receive a copy of their child's Best Start Assessment report; outlining what their child is able to demonstrate they can do in a classroom setting and the “next steps” for families to attempt at home to further develop their child’s learning. These reports will be sent home in the near future. 


School Leaders Induction Ceremony 

A proud tradition at Windang PS is the Leaders Induction Ceremony at the beginning of the year. The new School Captains, Vice Captains, Leaders, Sport Leaders and Library Leaders are presented with their badges by their parents and pledge to uphold their position to the highest standard throughout the year.


We are pleased to be able to invite the parents of our leaders to the Leaders Induction Assembly on Thursday 10 February at 2pm in the school hall. Due to the department guidelines all parents attending must be double-vaccinated, check-in using the ServicesNSW app, wear a mask while on school grounds and follow social distancing measures. 


This event will be a covid safe event and will follow the NSW Department of Education guidelines as stated at


The ceremony will take place in the school hall with appropriate ventilation and hygiene practices in place. Attendees will be required to produce proof of vaccination status on arrival at the school and declare that they are free from any Covid-19 symptoms. 


The ceremony will also be ZOOMed to enable families to join remotely.


P&C Meeting (AGM & Meeting)

The first P&C meeting for the year will be Tuesday 15 Feburary at 6:30pm via ZOOM

All parents are strongly encouraged to attend as it's an opportunity to connect and meet school families and a great way to contribute towards the school.


I would like to sincerely thank all our parents for their patience and cooperation at the commencement of the school year. Your understanding and assistance,  collection of RAT kits, and adhering to the new COVID-19 guidelines within our school has been greatly appreciated by all the staff at Windang Public School. 


Wishing everyone a great fortnight! 


Stay Safe

Mrs Kocovska
