Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report

Welcome to the busy end of the year. There are always lots of emotional things happening at the end of the year. Children become anxious about their new classmates, new teacher, the thought of more challenging school work…  I would like to assure all parents that our school and our teachers have every child’s best interest at heart.  Where students are placed is a very long process that is carefully thought through. Please have faith in the teachers and the school. 


Today I am publishing where the teachers are placed for 2023. The list of teachers is almost like looking at a premiership football team. Parents really don’t need to request teachers because all our teachers are outstanding. There have been lots of comments in the media about a teacher shortage and that schools are having trouble recruiting teachers. Currently that is not our experience.  We are very lucky at Woori.


At the time of publishing, the school is currently advertising for an art teacher and a teacher to work with Jess Wallace for 2 days per week. Next year we are welcoming back to the classroom highly experienced and talented teachers, Jess Wallace, Deeon Toogood and Lisa Syme. We also welcome back from maternity leave Mel Erickson and in term two Amy Cleary. Who will be incredible in the tutoring role!


The only new staff member for next year is Katia Koskarti, Katia is currently working at Clarinda Primary School and we were very pleased that she decided to apply for a position at Woori Yallock P.S., Katia will be an outstanding addition to our high quality teaching staff.



  1. Jess Howe (Team Leader) 
    • Felicity Curnow 1 day
  2. Jess Lowe
  3. Bonnie McKercher
  4. Sophie Young

Gr 1/2 

  1. Rachael Cantwell (Team Leader)
  2. Elyse Newman
  3. Sara-Jane Vaughan 
  4. Libby Bemrose
  5. Vicky Barnard 3days/Steph Verhoef 2days

Gr 3/4

  1. Katherine Bolton (Team Leader)
  2. Katia Koskarti
  3. Jess Wallace 3 days/TBA 2 days
  4. Penny Trueman
  5. Deeon Toogood

Gr 5/6

  1. Jess White (Team Leader) 4 days/Lucy Derix 1 day
  2. Ben Eaton
  3. Ash Shanks
  4. Lisa Syme 4 days/Lucy Derix 1 day

P/E – Ash Gibbons

German – Sandy Walter

Science – Fiona Eckhardt

Art - TBA

LLI – Mary Menta


Coaching (every teacher at our school has a coach so that teachers are supported to continually improve their practice).

Rach Ward – 2 days

Jess White – 1 day

Jess Howe – 1 day

Jess Wallace – 1 day



Mel Erickson – 3 days

Amy Cleary – 3 days from term 2


With only five weeks of the school year ahead I need to remind you of some important dates.

  • Report Writing Curriculum Day          Friday 18th of November (no children at school)
  • Grade 5 Leadership Speeches          Tuesday 29th of November 9:15am 
  • Special Lunch Order Day                    Friday 9th of December
  • Enterprise Market                               Monday 12th of December
  • Step Up Day                                          Tuesday 13th of December
  • Prep Excursion to Chesterfield Farm  Wednesday 14th of December
  • 3/4 Bike Ride                                      Thursday 15th of December
  • Grade 5/6 Big Day Out                         Friday 16th of December
  • Last Day of Term                                  Monday 19th of December (1:30pm Finish)


On Wednesday we had lots of famous people at the school. Our grade 5/6 all become a famous person of their choice. I found out exactly what happened to Princess Diana and why no one has been able to match Mahatma Gandhi’s successful nonviolent protests. The students did a wonderful job, we learnt so much. Thank you to the teachers and the students for really doing a sensational job!


Wednesday was also a great day for our 3/4’s as they presented their country projects. I now have a great deal of new knowledge on all sorts of places around the world. I also got to try some wonderful food that was on offer at the different country stalls. I definitely want to visit Japan, India, France and Egypt as the students really sold those countries as must see destinations.


Vic Roads have erected a new no right turn sign, which means that you can not turn right into the middle of the kiss and drop, at drop off or pick up times. This may take some adjusting to for some parents. I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of the new sign as we do sometimes get the Police sitting watching at morning and afternoon times. The last thing we want is for anyone to be fined.  Even with the inclement weather we believe the kiss and drop is moving as well as it can. Mary Menta is brilliant at making sure parents understand that they can’t get out of their cars and that everyone needs to keep moving up.  Traffic congestion can be frustrating for parents but really the whole area is back to normal each night after around 15 minutes. 

Of course everything works better with patience. 


Our final assembly for the year will be on the last day of term Monday 19th of December. The assembly will be first thing in the morning at 9am.  We will be awarding our last excellence awards for the year and we will be honouring our grade six students who will be having their last day of Primary School. How quickly the time goes.


On Monday night we had a storm event at Woori Yallock. I have seen some pretty good storms in my time at the school but this one took the cake for intensity and the length of time it lasted. It did some damage to the building works and water leaked into the school in a number of places. The worst affected area was near the Prep and grade 1/2 portable. Drying machines have been used to dry out the carpets and protect the school from any major issues. Everyone of these events make me think how lucky we were to be getting a new building as our current roof was ready for replacement ten years ago!


Have a great week!

And remember when life gets a little difficult, escape to the wonderful world of a book!