Community Notices

Vaccinations - Year 7 and Year 10

This message from the City of Whittlesea only applies to students that have missed the following:

Year 7 and Year 10 Vaccination Reminder

The City of Whittlesea have completed their visit to our school to vaccinate our Year 7 and Year 10 students for 2022, however some students did not return a consent card and therefore missed out on these important vaccinations.

Year 7 students were due for HPV and Boostrix vaccines and our Year 10 students  were due for Meningococcal ACWY vaccine as per the National Immunisation Schedule.

Further information on these vaccines can be found at School-based vaccination - Whittlesea Council

In order for your child to catch-up, please attend your local GP or book into a Council public session at City of Whittlesea | TryBooking

If you require further information please call the Immunisation Team at Council on 9217 2170 or email

City of Whittlesea - Baseline Holiday Program

Here is some information about the City of Whittlesea Baseline January school holiday activities.


WFC Food Hub Community Consultation 2022

WCC has received funding to establish a food hub at the Whittlesea Food Collective, based at Melbourne Polytechnic in Epping. Our aim is to improve access to fresh, affordable and culturally appropriate food for the local community.We will be setting up a market as well as running some food-related activities and programs. We would love to know more about how you access fruit and vegetables now and any ideas you have for how to make sure our Food Hub meets your needs!

 The survey will only take approximately 3 - 5 minutes to complete.

Oreste Pompetti (He/Him)      Whittlesea Food Collective Coordinator     M: 0460 446 856


Whittlesea Show 2022

The Whittlesea Show has been postponed to 21st and 22nd January 2023. It is very disappointing, but the grounds are too wet and it is not safe to hold the Show at the moment.


School Crossing Supervisor of the Year Award


An award will be given to one school crossing supervisor selected for their commitment and dedication to the supervision of school crossings.

School Crossing Supervisors (Positions available)

City of Whittlesea  is looking for School Crossing Supervisors and currently have vacancies in Thomastown, Epping, South Morang & Wollert. We are actively trying to recruit to fill vacancies, all whilst continuing to provide the best coverage possible to all sites. Please note: the first attachment is an ‘Application form’ which can be scanned and forwarded to our email address:

whilst the second attachment has a QR code that will allow someone to ‘Apply to become a School Crossing Supervisor’ directly via the City of Whittlesea website.


Become a Teacher's Aide

Become a Teacher's Aide - Enrolments still open - Certificate III in School Based Education Support 

This qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to provide assistance and support to teachers and students in a range of educational settings. This includes primary, secondary and special development schools and areas of early childhood education. Speak to us about real employment outcomes achieved by our graduates.Ring Prace on 9462 6077  or visit our website: