Students gaining Skills
Students gaining Skills
Invigor8ing Education is a supported, practical semester program for Year 8 students with interactive participation in a training and/or workplace environment.
Ali has been doing Invigor8ing -Trade Students, to gain experience in a range of trade skills as they engage with qualified trainers at Melbourne Polytechnic at the Epping Campus. Trades can include Carpentry and/or Painting and Decorating.
Ruby & Alesha have been doing the Invigor8ing -Community where Students have access to a variety of workplace environments within the Epping Leisure City. Students gain experience in Hospitality (café and reception desk), Sport and Recreation (swimming pool, gymnastics and sports centre) and Childcare (creche).
This has taken a great deal of courage for our students to step out of their comfort zone and to try something new. They have been excelling in this program and have been enjoying the experience of learning different skills.