From Our Assistant Principal

Selen Atilla

Wow! What a term it has been!  Lalor North Secondary College has been jam-packed with events, activities and celebrations. This edition of the newsletter will provide an outline of the fun engagement and learning programs we have participated in. 


Some of my highlights include an improvement in student learning as progress report data is showing growth in GPA data across all year levels. 


Another highlight was our community event - The Big Night Out. Congratulations to our Music team, supporting staff members, primary school staff and all students for participating in such an extraordinary event. It was great to see our broader community come together and enjoy an evening of outstanding performances. We had over 700 people attend the Big Night Out held here at Lalor north Secondary College!


Congratulations to Anna Cerritelli and Andrew Sivakumaran who have worked tirelessly with Year 12 students, families and staff to make the final term a memorable one that will last forever in the minds of our Class of 2022. Year 12 Celebration Day was an absolute joy and our Year 7 to 11 students were able to be a part of such a significant day. Our Year 12’s enjoyed a brekky, danced around the college and were farewelled at a special school assembly in which they put on quite a performance! 

The valedictory dinner was also a very special event. Thank you, Anna and Andrew, for supporting our Class of 2022 and leading them to their future successes.


Another highlight was when the local police team visited our school and attended classes. They were pleased to be provided the opportunity to engage in classes with our students. They were somewhat nervous about going back to school but enjoyed it very much once they were able to overcome the initial nerves. The police felt very welcomed and commented about the kindness and friendly nature of our students and staff. They chose to play basketball with students in the courtyard during their break instead of having a cup of coffee! They have great energy!


Congratulations to Sue Brownbill, Alina Azzollini and the Year 10 staff in preparing our students for future interviews. As you will see in this newsletter, our Year 10 students were dressed for success in readiness for their practice interviews. They spent many sessions preparing their resumes and getting ready for their off-site real-life interviews. I heard that they were very successful and very employable!


Congratulations to our former Year 12 Student Leaders and Matt Tucker in coordinating the 2023 Student Leadership applications/interviews. The 2022 Student Leaders returned to school after completing their Year 12 exams to lead the panel process of appointing a new student leadership for 2022. They read applications, short-listed and interviewed applicants. My understanding is that after a long process, they have decided on the 2023 Student Leadership team. We are waiting for this announcement with excitement. Congratulations to all students who demonstrated leadership in applying for this very important responsibility and to all students who were panel members throughout the year in staff selection processes.


Another highlight was our visit from international students from Okinawa Japan. The international students participated in cooking, singing, indigenous dancing and hip-hop together with our Year 11 students. Life-long friendships were formed through this program. Tim and I had just as much fun as our international guests and LNSC students. 

I believe that all staff, students and visitors of LNSC will agree that we are a friendly and aspirational learning community who is on a journey of great successes.


Congratulations to all staff and students who have been involved in this terms programs. 


I would also like to remind families that we are holding our final 2022 Assembly on Friday 2nd December at 2pm in the College Gymnasium where we will celebrate the successes of our Year 7 to 11 students. You are most welcome to attend.