Science Domain

Extracting DNA from strawberries
Welcome back to Term 4! Science Domain is always busy with activities to do in their classrooms! Last week, Year 10 Biology students were extracting DNA from strawberries. This week, Year 11 Physics students are investigating Circular Motion to complete a SAC. Seems like all students are having a lot of fun!
Circular Motion
Circular motion, also known as centripetal motion, is an important area of study. Students have been conducting experiments to investigate the forces that act during circular motion. For an object to travel in circles it must be subjected to a net force perpendicular to the direction of travel. The mass of the object rotating, and the radius of rotation are key factors affecting this force. The findings the students make will help them understand many things in the real world, from how to separate different chemicals to how planets orbit the sun.
Karl Wild - Science Teacher
Eki Chan - Head of Science Domain