Principal's Report

Dear Families, Students and Community Members,
Farewell to the Class of 2022
This year has enabled us to return to our traditional Year 12 Final end of year events, after a successful Formal at the end of term 3. On Friday 21 October we celebrated the achievements of our Year 12 students marking the end of official classes with a carnival themed morning before beginning their final exam preparation or for our VCAL students beginning their next pathway.
The Year 12 cohort started with us in 2020 as Year 10 students and this year has been their first year onsite full time since starting with the college. After two years of transitioning in and out of remote learning during Year 10 and 11, it is fantastic to be able to congratulate all students who have stayed the distance to complete Year 12 VCE or VCAL this year. All students have worked to the best of their ability with our emphasis on high expectations in everything we do, with the support of their fantastic teachers. The final year of school is challenging, even more so post remote learning and with the ongoing impact of COVID this has required students to be resilient and to persevere over their final years of schooling, no matter what challenges have been presented to them, and they have all demonstrated that it is achievable, responding in a positive way and as a college we are all proud of them and their achievements.
On behalf of the whole College Community, we would like to wish all Year 12 students every success for the examination period, which they began on Wednesday 26 October, with the English exam.
Exam Preparation:
This week our Year 12 VCE students began their official VCAA Exams. With just a week and half before the Year 11 exams commence and year 10’s shortly after, all our students are busy preparing themselves through revision and the competition of practice exams.
Top Exam Preparation Tips include:
- Start your revision early – there is no substitute for starting early with revision
- Organise your time
- Look after yourself during study and exam time – You will be able to work better if you eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep
- Vary your revision techniques – they say that variety is the spice of life, and it certainly helps improve your studying
- Vary your locations – Changing the location in which you study – for example, your room, the library at school – is also good
- Take regular breaks - You cannot work solidly for 8 hours. In fact, it is very hard to work in a concentrated way for more than about an hour.
- Know your Exam – Make sure you have looked at past papers
- Make sure you know the practical details about each of your exams – what time do they start, what equipment are you allowed, how long is each exam etc.
We wish our students the best of luck as they begin their final year exams and know they will do their best.
Take Care,
Simon Haber
College Principal