Apollo Community Report 

Term 4


In Reading sessions, Apollo community members have been reading Australian literature connected to our Australian History Unit in Inquiry. There has been a focus on reading poetry and stories that rhyme. 


Speaking and Listening

Each student in Apollo has presented a poem that they had written aloud to the class. The focus was on pacing, clear tone, volume and body language. During this presentation, the students also spoke about a famous poet that they have been researching. Popular poets were Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson. 



In our Community students have finished working on poetry and we as teachers have been very impressed with how well students have applied their knowledge to this topic. We may have some future poets among our students. Our classes have applied the knowledge that they have developed from other topics to publish some wonderful poems.



Throughout this Term we have finished off Chance and Data where students have experimented with the idea of likely, unlikely, certain and impossible events and labelling them on a probability scale. 


Students have moved onto money where we are completing targeted open-ended activities where our classes can design their own lunch boxes. We then moved onto students designing their own dream electronics setup. We have been looking to help students learn about real-life situations in which they will use money.



During Inquiry sessions, we have been learning about Australian history. So far we have covered topics such as: Aboriginal culture prior to European settlement, The First Fleet, Child Convicts and Gold Rush. We are looking forward to our Incursion (pictures in the next issue of the newsletter).