Luna Community Report 

Term 4, 2022

Welcome to term 4 Luna students and families! What a great start to the term for the prep students. We hope students are looking forward to our Bundoora Heritage Farm excursion on the 13th of December, please see compass to pay for this excursion and sign the consent form. 



In Reading, we are learning about information texts. Student are able to tell the difference between a fact and opinion. They have enjoyed reading and knowing more about the Luna Community, the platypus, lawn bowls and about the olden days.



The Luna children have been having a go at writing their own information reports. The students are learning to use and follow the writing process. They have come up with facts, written their report, edited and finally, published their own information reports.



The Luna Community Mathematicians learnt how to use the 4 mathematical proficiencies of understanding, problem solving, fluency and reasoning to unpack and solve worded problems. They learnt to identify and discuss the value of Australian coins. Students can name the days of the week and use their knowledge of the order of the day to solve worded problems such as “I have swimming the day after Tuesday, what day do I have swimming?”.



In Inquiry the Luna students have been learning about history and life in the past.  They have been exploring what technology, education, housing and toys looked like years ago and experienced what a classroom writing lesson would have been like. The kids have also enjoyed playing games that kids years ago used to play while there was limited exposure to technology.


Social Emotional Learning 

The Luna students are learning to identify what a small and big problem is and how to solve it using the Stop Think Options Problem Solving strategy. In our community we have also been learning to help and work collaboratively with our peers. The students have demonstrated during team play that they can support and encourage their peers and suggest strategies to win a game