

This term in SEL we are teaching topics 7 and 8 from the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships Initiative. We thrive in being a caring school, a school who is inclusive. For more information please see below.


Topic 7: Gender and Identity Students discuss their individuality and learn that everyone has their own, unique identity. They discuss gender norms and stereotypes in the media and society that may impact on how they view themselves and others. 


Topic 8: Positive Gender Relations Students learn how to show respect to people regardless of their gender and identity. They discuss what violent or abusive behaviour is. 

Disability Inclusion-Advocating with and for your child:

This resource is for parents and caregivers of primary school students. It helps readers to plan and set up reasonable adjustments with and for their child. The resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers.

Grade 5/6 Imagineering Program

Students in 5/6 have been taking part in the Imagineering plus program. The program exposes students and parents to education pathways and future emerging work trends with an aim to promote career pathway planning and ensuring student engagement and successful transition to secondary school.


This program is a family centered approach with a relevance to those who may have never had a family member engage in higher education. Providing access to career guidance in their middle years is an element that has been missing in the HUME community and with the support from Youth Projects and Hub workers Imagineering Plus will provide direct links and wellbeing support to those at risk of disengaging from school.